UNAIDS relies on voluntary contributions from a range of donors and development partners, including governments, bilateral aid agencies, foundations, private sector entities, other multilateral actors (including UNAIDS Cosponsors or other institutions), and individuals.
The Joint Programme receives both core and non-core funds:
Core funds are intended to fund the core functions of the Secretariat and provide catalytic funding for the HIV-related work of 11 Cosponsors.
Non-core funds are complementary HIV-related budgets of the Cosponsors that are mobilized internally, as well as additional funds that Cosponsors and the Secretariat raise at country, regional and global levels. The non-core resources funds in the UBRAF reflect regular and extra-budgetary resources of the Cosponsors which contribute to the achievement of the UBRAF results. Non-core funds at the national, regional and global level are for the most part earmarked for very specific purposes and cannot easily replace more flexible core funds.
All funds are part of the Unified Budget, Results and Accountability Framework (UBRAF) and the results these funds allow to achieve are reported in UNAIDS Performance Monitoring Report including the UBRAF indicators.