UNFPA strives for a world in which every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. The UNFPA 2022–2025 Strategic Plan highlights scaling up high-quality comprehensive sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information and services (inclusive of HIV) as part of universal health coverage (UHC) plans; incorporating the multisectoral needs of women, adolescents and youth along the continuum of care; and addressing structural inequalities, such as discriminatory gender and social norms that hinder the achievement of the Fund’s three transformative results.
UNFPA’s approach to HIV and other STIs serves the overall goal of ensuring good sexual health and well-being as a foundation for good reproductive health. The promotion of sexual health as part of UNFPA’s Strategic Plan is a key component of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and contributes to the 2021–2026 Global AIDS Strategy.
In 2022-2023, UNFPA achieved the following key results in the pursuit of its above goals:
- Supported the Global Prevention Coalition. UNFPA continued to co-convene the Global Prevention Coalition and the Global HIV Prevention Working Group. The Coalition expanded the number of focus countries from 28 in 2022 to 38 in 2023 and supported national multisectoral leadership and South-to-South learning on HIV prevention.
- Provided guidance for out-of-school comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). UNFPA supported CSE in over 70 countries, and assisted the development and implementation of national strategies, policies, curricula and guidelines in at least 35 of them.
- Supported condom programming. UNFPA completed its technical support to partners in the Global Fund Condom Programme Stewardship Strategic Initiative 2021–2023 (Condom SI). Condom SI worked with governments to establish functional last-mile distribution systems for a package of HIV prevention options and to extend those mechanisms beyond health facilities.
- Provided leadership on human rights and gender. UNFPA worked with the Wilson Center to address technology-facilitated gender-based violence. As lead on gender-based violence within the Global Protection Cluster, UNFPA developed a comprehensive three-year plan to address the multifaceted requirements for gender-based violence prevention, risk mitigation and response. Some 4.2 million people were reached with gender-based violence prevention, risk mitigation and response services in 50 countries,
- Advanced sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). UNFPA, together with UNICEF, WHO and the UNAIDS Secretariat is part of the multipartner “2gether 4 SRHR” programme that promoted the integration of SRHR/HIV and gender-based violence services in 10 countries in eastern and Southern Africa over the past four years.